@nithyaarun Nithyaarun, thank you. I feel humbled by your very kind words. Both 'Embraced By Danger' and 'In Danger's Bed' will be published by Cobblestone Press in a few months. Release dates have not yet been set for the books as we are in the early stages of the process. I will keep you posted! xoxo Michelle
@level-up-ksl1 Hi , will you let me know when In danger's bed will be published and which publication. Thanks. I want to keep a permanent copy. You are a great writer. Best of luck and keep up the good work.
@smootie_lover01 Hi. Yes, I'm so sorry. It's to be published and I'm not allowed to keep it up. Hope you understand... Thank you so much for your interest!
I super love in danger's bed. I finished the whole thing in one sitting! Hope to see your other talented works in near future! Keep it up babe! U certainly have it in you! Love you for making awesome readings!!