
Sooo much hate for my favourite clichés all being bunched up into a reading list so I just deleted it. Wow. There is nothing wrong with your stories being cliché. And if you don't want it to be called cliché? MAKE IT MORE ORIGINAL.


Sooo much hate for my favourite clichés all being bunched up into a reading list so I just deleted it. Wow. There is nothing wrong with your stories being cliché. And if you don't want it to be called cliché? MAKE IT MORE ORIGINAL.


Read my book before you call it cliché.  


@ParkerBlackwood Why They Left? It's an amazing story I love it and can't wait to read more. I'm a sucker for clichés. And the reason I'm calling it cliché is because it's the typical 'I hate him but he does things to me.' don't take this the wrong way, I'm not a hater, in fact I can't wait to see this story unravel. (and usually I never even bother reading or waiting for the story to finish if it only has a few chapters)