
Hey! I'm about to drop out a book of how to REALLY glow up and to just look prettier. I think that the pretty previlege is such a taboo whhile it does exist. It's the human nature to be judgemental and being told "it is the inside that matters" is ridiculously a lie. Struggling to even being shown outside, to be shy, to hide our bodies, etc. I really want to try to help people.  Because when I was wondering why no one wanted to date me, no one gave me the answer. Then I discovered the science of beauty... 


Hey! I'm about to drop out a book of how to REALLY glow up and to just look prettier. I think that the pretty previlege is such a taboo whhile it does exist. It's the human nature to be judgemental and being told "it is the inside that matters" is ridiculously a lie. Struggling to even being shown outside, to be shy, to hide our bodies, etc. I really want to try to help people.  Because when I was wondering why no one wanted to date me, no one gave me the answer. Then I discovered the science of beauty... 


Coucou! Je ne sais pas si je dois continuer d'écrire Malédiction Eternelle alors si vous voulez la suite, dites le moi 


@ DayVeliano  okiii je vais l écrire hahah je suis sur le 43chapitres mais je promets pas du shakespeare hahaa bonne lecture biiisous


            Oui il faut adsolument. La suite.


Coucou, je voudrais savoir quels sont vos personnages préférés (hors The Originals) ❓Salutjes !


@ HanateaMaruake  @ DayVeliano  la plus part c'est de Teen Wolf, la base 


@DayVeliano c vrais que la question est vielle mais en dehors de (The Originals) mes acteurs préférés sont. Derek Hall, Peter Hall, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Stiles Stilinski et c tout. Sinon voilà.