I never write anything on this so like this is weird . In all like three years of being on this app I haven’t once typed anything in this little box. Any-who, thank you to anyone who’s read anything I’ve wrote I looked at how many views I have and I’m like super amazed. I’m sure it doesn’t look like much but it’s like a lot to me. It’s crazy to see where I’ve come from and how I’ve grown so far with so much support for so many people. I know I bounce around A LOT like only one of my pieces are actually marked as complete. But thanks to everyone who’s kept up with how annoying I am. I will be finishing Heartbreaker soon and editing a lot cause I started that as a sophomore in high school and looking at it now as a freshman in college I’m like oh no. But really I’d just like to thank anyone and everyone who’s kept up with me continuously starting a new project and for sticking around I really do appreciate and look forward to hearing from some of you!