Hey! Quick question, do you know the name of the story where a girl who’s a student meets a guy who’s the teacher ta at a ski lodge? She’s rich parents never around, one of the students is a stalker and kills people cuz he loves her? I think the guys name is cole but I can’t figure it out
Hey isabelle rae i am your biggest fan i read when summers end and i really really love ❤this novel as i have read a lot of different novels but i have not read anything like this till now. When summer's end is my all time favorite novel . So I have a request to you, can you write another novel like this? because I like this novel so much that I have read it more than 10 times . I would be very happy if you write another novel like this( when summer's end).
Heyyy. This might sound strange but I saw that @makeandoffer is following you and I just wanted to know whether you are in touch with her. Like if you are friends or something. I was wondering what happened to her. She's not been in wattpad since an year. I hope she is ok. Is she?
Thank you