Because other social media has a lot of people that knew me irl, i'm just going to rant about something here and prolly get an unbias opinion.
Asian people like me might relate more to this issue.
Does giving a 'strong' opinion to the older people, especially your parents, will make u a rude person?
Sometimes what i said doesnt fit their concept and i'm trying to have a healthy debate about the difference in opinions but they just straight label me as being rude. Idk if older people just couldnt accept when they're 'defeated' by the young people's opinion, then use the you're-rude-to-the-elders card to make u feel guilty about it.
I cant go on with that kind of conversation but being silence or replying something like 'yeah sure' can be labelled as rude too.
What they want me to say tho? Seriously, sometimes i'm sick of it and i do feel hurt too but i just kept quite about it.