
EPisode 2 is out


Hello anyone who reads this! As you may know, I have released Episode 1 of a how to train your dragon fan fiction. Episode 2 is underworks but it may take a while because I kind of rushed into this story, there is nothing wrong with that it just means the story may not be as consistent or planned as one would wish. 
          I have thought of an ending to arc 1 for now, but if I go through with it arc 1 may be shorter than I wished. this is not nesecary as Im sure I can e flexible and change this I just would like to say I am quite inexperienced so any advice would be appreciated and please share my works!


delay of Tales of Laylus the smiths man chapter 12 as I need some more time to get ahead of things, it is going to be quite short so we are entering what could possibly the the final 1/3 of the story, though I'm not quite sure yet.


my work on Tales of Laylus the smiths man will be slowing down a little as I tackle some more novel ideas, but it won't stop. also my new project will take a while to release, the first chapter is edited and all but I want to be at least ten chapters ahead at all times. it will also be longer than the tales of Laylus the smiths man, and it won't be divided the same either it will be in a format of chapter-episode, or 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 ,etc.