
Hi if you are looking for godtbas/phayo new stories please check my friends books she is amazing writter but has been doubting herself so please read her books and show her some support and I hope you well like them thank you❤
          This is her profile link 


My classmate, Dea =D, it's me Ben.. (how long has it been? A decade? =D hahahaha )
          Ah i need to tell u somethin', pls UNFOLLOW @.Bennett_B.
          That account isn't run by me anymore.  Please leave its tail. Idk who that is, and i am not responsible for what its doin' .
          If u know anyone who follow Bennett_B pls tell them too abt it, kay? I owe u big time.
          I'll tell u again later, I am inboxing some ppl r n. I'll talk to u soon (later this evening or maybe by weekend, i am so darn busyyy Dea, i hate myself *facepalm* )
          Pls stay well,


@-JustBen- Benny Boo I will unfollow the other account. But, I hope this is really you. ❤


Thanks for the follow up. You can read more of my stories and don’t hesitate to vote and comment  too dear  


@laurybabe0062 yes Laurie I will I love to comment.;  )