Guys...I’m officially leaving Wattpad..Don’t worry, nothings wrong with me or anything. I just can’t find time to be on here anymore And let’s not forget all that’s happening in the world at this very moment I did enjoy my time here, and I wish it didn’t have to come to and end so soon but....things just don’t seem to go my way♀️ I’ve deleted every story I’ve done in my time here, that way you won’t be waiting for something that’ll never come....although if anyone liked any of my ideas they are free to use it for stories of their own, as long as you give me credit for it, of course I love every single one of you, always and forever❤️ Without further ado this is my final goodbye DeBestBaka is out✌️

@DeBestBaka Oh no, girl! Well I'm glad to just hear from you again. I totally understand your case! I really enjoyed your funny personality! I hope we can talk again oneday maybe.. ❤❤❤❤