
@wattpad Home Pages aren’t loading up and it’s bugged currently, not sure if wattpad is aware of this or something but to let everybody know that some people have their DMs / PMs messed up or home page not loading up


@DeShadowstoryteller yeah so babe for some reason I actually emailed @wattpad about Jazanna403 acc because I have Google Smart lock but yeah for some reason I still can't get into my other acc


          	  that happened all last night -^-


@DeShadowstoryteller for me Wattpad was glitching for the entire day, and then at about 10 pm for me it just wouldn’t load at all


Hello. It seemed that you have left Wattpad for good. I don’t really know what to say. Maybe it was burnout, perhaps it was technical issues, or maybe you couldn’t continue for some other reason. But, on the chance that you still check this account, I would like to ask one question.
          If you are still writing somewhere, where is it? 
          It would mean allot to me if you answered this question. Seeing someone suddenly go inactive leaves me worried. After all the passion you seemed to have, why would you suddenly stop? 
          Again, I would appreciate if anyone could answer this. If it’s from a friend of his, family, or anyone else I’ll take it. All I want is an explanation.
          Thank you


@WastedPineapples Thank you for telling me. I can rest easy knowing nothing bad happened.


@ossuntr Talked with her in private and she doesn't have intetion to write anymore.