
I'm sorry that I've been quite quiet as of late. I had a couple issues with the app, bit it's working now. Since I've gotten over ten, I'm going to work on the next chapter. Be aware that it might take some time, seeing as I have quite a bit of school work on my hands.


I'm sorry that I've been quite quiet as of late. I had a couple issues with the app, bit it's working now. Since I've gotten over ten, I'm going to work on the next chapter. Be aware that it might take some time, seeing as I have quite a bit of school work on my hands.


It's hard for me to write, I don't have much zeal, and I'm a pro procrastinater. So I've come to a conclusion: if I get ten stars on blood forged in the next two weeks, I'm gonna write another chapter. That should be more than enough for me to get going... And thank you so much for the six I already have. For you it means a second, to me it means the world.


Thanks for the follower✨
          If I may ask, how did you get to me?
          I don't think I'm *that* famous


@yael_1808 I follow @Lightsass and you responded to her a couple times, that's all. 