
I'm entirely deleting both the wrench story and Aiden story because I'm 17 and it's embarrassing 


          I want to return to writing, or at least rewrite my whole Assassin's Creed fic. At the very least I want to transfer it over onto A03. I was writing a new story during the summer for a friend. It's about Cthulhu. It's not really a fanfic, more of a fiction story.  Anyways, maybe I'll return. For the time being, stay tuned. I'll be rewriting everything soon.


Hey everyone. Pretty sure yall saw this coming a while ago. I'm officially putting and end to my writing here. I'm not writing anywhere, actually. I cant keep up with it, I have constant writers block, and I'm more focused with other things. I had a good run, thank you for all your support. I'm going to leave all the stories up. I hope everyone is doing ok. Happy Pride Month everybody! 
          This is DeadFan1032, wishing everyone happy reading and leaving Wattpad. Good bye ✌