
@EpicBrony377 I have not planned to write a sequel, and I don't think I will


I love the fact that you came out and said you were a lesbian I totally support you for that.Your story is so heartbreaking I almost cried!But I keep myself immune to certain things heartbreak is one of them. I wish that I wasn't immune to love.Oh well anyhow I love your story keep writing you are really good at it!


Pinkie Promise was the most touching story I have ever read on Wattpad and it really drew me into it. I was very emotional in part 2 when things got more intense and I just want to say that the whole book was beautiful. Thank you so much for writing it.


Deadcat!! Is it okay if I use Helping Hoof psychiatric hospital for my OC's backstory???? It's just a mention of it, and it's not gonna be publicly mentioned or anything, I just REALLY want to be able to use Helping Hoof and some of the characters for a bit in my OC's backstory. Are you okay with that?? :)


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Thank you for writing Pinkie Promise.
          It was the most touching and heartbreaking story, and I cried when Dashue was beginning to lose her memory, and crude loads more when she did.
          It would be amazing if you made a sequel, like lots of others had said. However you write things, you do them fucking amazing.
          Stay awesome.


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@BloomTheFNaFBunny  ikr. i also  cried. it was a heart breaking  story. but still. FUCKING AMAZING 


I mean cried and Dashie