this message may be offensive
i’m writing this about *one* person. I hope they read this.
this person had me fucked up, and I still dislike them.
I know you fucking lied to me. that’s not the real fucking you.
thanks a lot, because now I don’t trust people as easily. thank you, so, *so,* fucking much.
we used to make me feel nice and shit, and now I absolutely hate that feeling. great. take my sense of love too. I didn’t need it anyway. and now there’s someone who *does* care for me, who makes me feel good, and doesn’t fucking lie to me.
I don’t give two shits if I was your ‘valentine’ or whatever. that was a RP thing. I wasn’t fucking interested in you.
I still have you ducking blocked on discord, so don’t make me block you on wattpad too. don’t fucking talk to me *ever* again.
whenever I see your discord tag, I get sick to my stomach.
I don’t give a damn if you had a crush on me, or I helped you through shit. you fucking lied to me. now my feelings are all fucked up because of you.
thanks a fucking lot. I appreciate it, asshole. go fuck yourself.