
          	I was just playing Among Us and I almost carried before I slipped up
          	at least it was a good game


officially going back on discord on Monday; a week's worth of a break actually felt nice
          I feel like I should take breaks more often, now, especially since I'm in my last year of high school, and am taking maybe three college classes at the same time, added onto still being cooped up in my house (even though it's for safety)


@back2diagnosingdeath )) I'll look forward to seeing you there!


how does one end up fully comprehending a subject when one understands little of it?
          I still don't know how my teacher thought I understood the concepts in an assignment when everything was bullshitted and done in one sitting


I don't understand how I got completely different answers from everyone else in my online class
          everyone agrees with the person we're asked to agree or disagree wish, but I'm like, "I dunno man, I think imma disagree because I'm dumb and tired"


man I miss discord
          there are some people on there I don't miss
          I sometimes hope those specific will delete their account completely
          alas, I cannot report people to have them at least suspended because the report system on mobile is stupid from the last time I checked


I'm going back on either Sunday or Monday, by the way