FACT: Despite only one story on my account here, I have prepared way more to start with after I am done. I will first start making stories that takes place in "Konosuba", then I shall make the other stories that takes place in my own made-up universe. And trust me, even though there aren't many characters or references about Konosuba in "User of The Silver Chariot", it does take place in that world. That story is a spin-off prequel of other stories, especially one where the cast of Konosuba is featured in with my own character. So, if I ever have finished the current story, I will have two choices that leads to that one where "said cast" are featured in. That's all I have to say for now, followers. -P.S. Have I ever mentioned I am trying to write stories that are connected to each other like the MCU?

Oh, yeah, forgot to mention: The universe timeline is called; Konosubian. Just wanted to clarify where it takes place in.