My lovely readers, I have good news and bad news.
First of all, I would like to say thank you so much for giving my book Slave 4902 a chance. I have neglected to post as much as I should have, and have not updated you on the recent changes that I've made. For that, I am sorry.
But, I have made a decision in the posting of this book, and I hope you will continue to follow the story.
The Good News!
I will be posting more of the story!!! However, I have made some major changes to the plot. So, for the time being, I am unpublishing the story.
The Bad News...
I will be posting slowly, and it might not have any pattern or scheduling. I plan to have the first three chapters up within a month, but after that it might be a week or so between updates.
And Suprise News!!!
I plan to officially publish this novel. When it is complete, I will release it as an ebook, and hopefully an audiobook. If all goes well, this will be a trilogy.
Thank you so much for giving me your time and love. I have read every single comment, every single post, and every single message. I love you guys so much!!! <3