
Lately, I haven't exactly had the motivation to even write or think about the beautiful fantasy worlds I have, unfortunately, but still, in time, I will transform all of my Creepypastas fanfics into original stories without Creepypastas, but maintaining their original plot as intact as possible. And try to finish all the stories I have not finished in godamn years *Sigh* I procrastinate way too much.


Oh my God. I love your story When Angels Lose Their Wings. You are the best author I've read on wattpad. These are my kind of stories. Speaking of stories, I've also published a book. I would be glad if you could read it. Please vote if you like it. 


Lately, I haven't exactly had the motivation to even write or think about the beautiful fantasy worlds I have, unfortunately, but still, in time, I will transform all of my Creepypastas fanfics into original stories without Creepypastas, but maintaining their original plot as intact as possible. And try to finish all the stories I have not finished in godamn years *Sigh* I procrastinate way too much.


Holy crap I haven't been here in a while xP school sucks. I'm going to try to focus on writing my new stories, especially When Angels Lose Their Wings and a story whose teaser I haven't published yet that is based on kidnapping. Of course, I might touch some other stories but I'm gonna try to focus on those ones.


3 of the teasers for my upcoming stories have been released. I'm SO excited and proud, not even school can ruin it. I only have one more teaser for another story remaining and after that, i will focus on writing them. 
          I really hope you guys like it as much as i do planning and writing them.


@ Deadly_Jenny  π'


Hey, for those who may be interested, I just published the teaser for Insanity. I'm really excited about it. It's a Teen Fiction, nothing to do with Creepypastas, it's something completely different I've been wanting to do.
          I was going to publish teasers for my other 2 stories that I mentioned before but I realized I needed a decent cover for both of them, so expect those teasers to come out as soon as I have the cover for them.


@ Deadly_Jenny  wubba lubba dub dub 


Just in case any of you are curious, my future stories have nothing to do with Creepypastas, they are all Teen Fictions, but each have completely different stories.
          They are: When Angels Lose Their Wings (Teen Fiction, not fantasy), talks about domestic abuse, substance abuse (alcohol and drugs) while the usual teen drama occurs between a group of best friends.
          Insanity, talks about a girl who's lived in a mansion her all life and attempted suicide due to abuse, passes in a Mental Institution where she finds friendship and maybe something more.
          Tears Of Nostalgia (Name might change later) talks about the life a girl and her brother have while being in a gang with its complications, with a relationship that's more than complicated with the son of the current Gang Leader.
          If anyone has any questions, be free to ask. I'm really excited to show you something completely different from what I've been writing so far.
          Sorry for the long post =P


@ Deadly_Jenny ... 


Hello, it's been a while since i last talked anything, hasn't it? 
          I just had too much going on in my life. Someone i used to call best friend decided i wasn't enough and left, i gained a group of friends and my best friend and i have been so close it's like we're brothers. And after summer vacation i'll be a junior in highschool.
          Just to name a few events. 
          But don't think i haven't been doing anything here on wattpad! 
          I have been writing new stories , which i will publish when i finish my creepypasta ones. And i plan to finish them before July, so i may publish some teasers for them soon.


Oh my god, i swear, sometimes i feel like i'm living a story someone's writing in a book.
          Are you imagining those corny teen fictions with lots of drama, clichés, best friends, love triangles and of course, lots of heartbreak and horrible, horrible hope?
          I feel like i'm living those ones. If it ends up being well, i might write an actual book, and people will think it's fiction. 
          Right now, it feels like i'm just some chapters away from everything falling into place, but of course, since my life isn't ACTUALLY a book, i doubt the ending will be good at all.
          But i can only wait, right?
          I just wanted to post something, seeing as i've been away for some time... I've just been adapting to a whole new phase of my life.
          Alright, see you guys.