Sorry I'm stuck on 'Protector' guys, I have the next chapter started, but it's still to short for you guys to read. I'm working on it, promise! I really hope you guys love it so far, cuz I know it loves you! Wait, that's me! HAHA! :D Well, I'll let ya all know when I post the next part. I've been working on Soulmates with Death_by_Book, finally posted the first chapter, so while we think about what to do with that book, I'ma work on this one for you guys. I also have another books that's a draft that I'm debating weather or not I want to keep and post for you guys, or get rid of. I kinda wanna keep it but I need a story line for it before I do. I don't want to post it then delete it on you guys, that wouldn't be very fair. But back to the whole deal on 'Protector', I have the first chapter of part 2 started, and I know where I want to go with it, but I'm not sure how I'm gonna get there. I'll work on it for you guys when I can, but I'm gonna be really busy for awhile, I has a thing for school I have to work on, plus this play I'm in for school. Love you guys, peae out!