
Dear whoever the hell cares, I would like to ask a very important question. Should I rewrite The Price To Pay to make the plot easier to follow and have the chapters make more sense? Very important.


@Deadlyasfire I don't really think you need to but do what you like uwu


Yo deadly. Would you like to do a colaberation with a story I have just started?


Hell yeah! Here is my email so we can discuss what we are doing. 


@Hyodo-san Sorry that I haven't been on in forever and a half, family stuff. And to answer your question, I would be honoured.


Dear anyone that cares, I will be making a new account and won't be on this one for a long while. I will update the books that need it, but I made a big mistake in my life and I really don't know how to fix it.
          I guess the only way to describe it is that I'm in the tree house in the middle of the Forest and right now, there is gas on my hands. The only thing is, I'm holding a lit mach.


So far, there are ten votes for Izuku becoming a villain again and five for Izuku staying as a hero. 
          PUT IN YOUR VOTES!!!
          If you want Izuku to be a villain again, comment: WE WANT THE EVIL CINNAMON ROLL BITCH!!!
          If not, comment: NOOO MY BABY!!!


So far, there are four votes for Izuku becoming a villain again and two for Izuku staying as a hero. 
          PUT IN YOUR VOTES!!!
          If you want Izuku to be a villain again, comment: WE WANT THE EVIL CINNAMON ROLL BITCH!!!
          If not, comment: NOOO MY BABY!!!