Came back from the dead, haha jk not even close. Thought I pop in and do a small QnA about myself or the stories I finished/unfinished. I might not be able to answer all questions right away but will do my best! Feel free to ask any questions as long as they aren’t too personal or inappropriate, thx :)

@jam2000s Don’t worry I won’t delete my old stories since I don’t have the heart to do so. My Robots stories are my proudest achievements so far, I will still keep all of the stories here so no worries. I am planning to put the ones I already made into Ao3 so feel free to follow me there also. Thanks for your kind words

@Deadlykittykat I like and love both your stories and work, but keep up the good work in time and no rush. just don't delete your stories please because I really love it, The Robots are the best and great.