
Send me new Dean Winchester smut please 


My moms boyfriends niece asked so what is supernatural is it a religionI said yes yes it is we worship two brothers a angel and the king of hell her face was hilarious I said yes yes it is we worship two brothers a angel and the king of hell her face was hilarious she's really religious and lives in Texas I tried telling her that's were two of our fearless leaders live she said oh I think I freaked her out


Destiel shippers are toxic so are jenmish fans just saying not all of us ship dean and cas or Jensen and Misha it's just you so stop sending tiktok messages like I will change my mind and threats don't work because I'd have to feel and care enough which I don't so you are just speaking to air 


So you Ackles band wagon jumpers are annoying sometimes his names dean winchester I love solider boy but we spn fans call dibs ok same with jared his names sam winchester so just stop thinking you new comers discovered them first thanks for coming to my Ted talk