What is it with these writers thinking that they can ask us to add their stories to our libraries and just wait until their next update? Some of them are taking weeks, months, and years. How arrogant can they be? If they can't finish what they started? Then, they shouldn't have started the book to begin with or better yet, they shouldn't have started another book when they hadn't finished the one they were currently writing. I think it's funny that they have writer's block, or whatever, however, they don't have it for their new story. I think it shows the maturity level in a lot of these writers or the lack of caring they have for their readers. Where's the passion they started with in creating something they wanted to share with their readers. I'm so sick of it! Some or most of you may be okay with it, but I'm not. I've read so many stories here. Just look at my catalog. I even gave authors who were mediocre a chance. However, just when I'm into the story, the reader has a problem or another, and I sympathize for those who really do have a problem but for not those who hide behind not wanting to finishing their story. They're making the authors with real problems look bad! It had happens in every profession, not only Police Officers, Teachers, etc,.... However, I and everyone else deservers better. I'm sick of people accepting their lame excuses and begging these authors to please grace us with their next update. I'm done. I'm not reading their books anymore. I don't care what you do but my catalog is full of of professional authors who followed through and didn't leave us hanging. They appreciated us and cared for us!! Go ahead and continue with your begging, making excuses for these authors, feeding their egos, and continue waiting! Good luck!!