
Hiya! Just another reminder that I will be removing See You When I See You from this platform by Wednesday, June 26. Read it now while you have the chance!


Hello! Just a quick reminder to new readers and followers that I am removing See You When I See You from this platform by June 26! 
          If you've added my book to your summer reading list, please finish it in the next two weeks before I take it down!


          First, a hello and thank you to new readers and followers! Second, I will be removing See You When I See You from this platform by the end of the month!
          There are a few of you who are currently reading SYWISY - hopefully this gives you an idea of how long you have before I take it down! For those of you who are still awaiting chapters of the sequel, See You In The Morning, I will return to finish the final six chapters after I take a partial break this summer. 
          A huge thank you to those who have given my books a chance, provided feedback and encouragement to my writing, and to readers who have become penpals and writing buddies over the past 3 years. You guys are what made Josie, Lyla, Marco, and Darren all come alive!


@Dear_Sonatine No worries - there will be other awards.  Good Luck with your edit!


@22Hamilton Ohhh gotcha! I did not realize I had been nominated (what an honor!) and I did not see your comment until now. I'm sorry if this has caused any inconvenience for your awards! I think what you're doing is wonderful, and I wish you and your nominees the best of luck! Thank you for creating opportunities for writers on this platform!


@Dear_Sonatine Yes, Voyageavecmoi nominated your book (it is a readers nomination contest.)  I posted a message on the very first page of your book letting you know it was entered.  I apologized - I guess you did not see it.


On the subject of mothers, Chapter 20 of See You In The Morning is live! 
          Quintets are a formation of classical chamber music where five musicians perform a piece together. One of my favorite quintets is Schubert's "Trout" Quintet, featuring a drinking song that was popular back in their day! Which 5 cast members will be featured in a happy grouping in this chapter? For @ella_rowan, here's chapter 20!


@ella_rowan Much love! And thank you!


@Dear_Sonatine Thank you so much for the dedication! And have a very happy Mother's Day!!! ❤️


Delighted to see that See You When I See You has won the Open Door Awards for Young Adult! Thank you @grendelthegood for your meticulous judging and generous reading! 


@Voyageavecmoi Aw thank you!! I'm in shock haha


@ella_rowan Thank you so much for your kind congrats!


@Dear_Sonatine Congratulations! I second Ella's statement that it is extremely well-deserved. Happy to see it getting more recognition :)


Hello! I took a week off for spring break with the fam, and I'm slowly returning to some normalcy of functioning. A big thank you to all the new readers here -- I do hope you are enjoying reading through the stories, and please don't hesitate to say hi! 
          To my R4R partners, I will resume where I left off :) Happy reading and writing, all!


Now that my judging portion for Gloria Regali is over, I've decided to burn through my entire writing buffer and post a long-awaited chapter of See You In The Morning!
          A big thank you to those of you who are still reading along. I know I have not been the most consistent author with this book, but I really do treasure your reads and comments and I promise to finish this story. Besides, I have a third (and last) book cooking in my head ;) 


I've been sitting on this one for a while since it's part of my buffer, but it's Friday and I felt like popping one on here for funsies... Here's Chapter 18 // Passacaglia from See You In the Morning! 
          FUN FACT - "Passacaglia" is a beautiful term that describes a work of music that is more serious in nature, used as an interlude in between other movements, and features a triple meter. 
          We'll get to see some serious things transpire between three of our characters in this chapter!