
After hearing about the passing of Technoblade, it was very sad to hear. I was going to write a few books of him, but after hearing this I do not feel comfortable doing so. He inspired me and helped me through my toughest times, and as for one of his sayings ‘Technoblade never dies.’ He never will because he is still with us in his own special way, he lives with us in our hearts. I send my condolences to his family, farewell blood god…


When will book 2 of easily broken be released? 


@Person4lNetw0rk I’m not the type to really discontinue a book, I’d only do a little break on the writing because of writers block and I’m really glad you like it


@Person4lNetw0rk alr thx the first part was so good was lowkey scared you stopped and we'd have a discontinued book


It’s in the works right now I don’t have a date yet of when it will be published yet, the writing will be different slightly. And the book may seem like a set back but I’m trying my best to make it seem like it’s not a set back, but I will update on when I have the day of release in mind 


After hearing about the passing of Technoblade, it was very sad to hear. I was going to write a few books of him, but after hearing this I do not feel comfortable doing so. He inspired me and helped me through my toughest times, and as for one of his sayings ‘Technoblade never dies.’ He never will because he is still with us in his own special way, he lives with us in our hearts. I send my condolences to his family, farewell blood god…


Hey guys I’m gonna be a little bit off with uploading books and everything, because I’m kinda gonna take a break for a week or 2. I’ve been stuck with writers block and hopefully this break will help, thank you all for the support.


Hey could you maybe do a Alastor x reader story,your helluva boss story is really good by the way


Of course, I’ve actually been working on one for a while but I want to complete the pre write before I post it. I wanna take time with my books so that way there not really bad