I'm celebrating 123K Views and 1.9K Votes on my book My Lord and his Mistress! Thank you to everyone who's supported and continues to support my book(s). It means a lot and it genuinely makes me feel good that so many people liked what I wrote and I don't think grateful even fully covers how I've felt. I've been really stressed sometimes and even some weeks barely updated but you guys stuck with me. I'm so amazed that some of you stuck with me from the very start and continue to read my books! I love each and every one of you and my heart just feels so intensely passionate and loving. Please take care of yourselves and try to find ways to stay entertained during this quarantine. We will over come this! Anyway, have any of you read ' Liar ' ? Funny how the plot of the book is during the same quarantine that we are under now but in September. They are still under quarantine but I hope that isn't us. I can't wait to make more books ( Or remake old ones ) to show to my lovely audience and I hope you all have a blessed day. From, Sana.