Haven’t posted in a while but this is something I need to say.
Wattpad is the place where you can be yourself to the fullest extent through these works we put out. We can encourage ourselves and each other to speak out for what we believe, make stories that will last with one another indefinitely through laughter, romance, even a little bit of horror in the story too.
The message of Wattpad isn’t: Get all the reads in the world, have a trillion votes on your stories or, Become famous through Wattpad...
It’s to spread your truth, your life, your happiness, sadness, excitement, anger. Your failures as well as your victories. To be proud of your race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexuality, and religion. Being on Wattpad means you can be one thing and be another AND still stick to what you believe in your heart first and foremost.
Which is why we should stay respectful, peaceful, supportive, and creative. And not conform to this odd idea that we need to become whitewashed or heteronormative, or shy away from what we love because of faults and/or accomplishments.
I’m proud of who I am, what I write (as little as that has been), and you all should say the same thing. Don’t let one aspect of your life change what you write on here.