It's time for a new and improved DeathBattle! After nine rounds of the Head Mod of the Week and much thought, a team has been put together to help us shift into this new phase.
Version 3.0 will be designed for the players first and for most. This is a game for all of you. A place where you can show off your characters while also thinking critically about them and getting feedback through a battle experience and discussion with others. We want to build a welcoming and fun community that makes you think critically while always supporting one another.
Fights are inevitable in this type of game, be it over who's character is the best or even how best to judge a fight. To be honest, that is part of what makes us unique, we are bringing together many different types of people and characters into one arena. However, never should anyone feel unheard, unwelcome, or like their characters are somehow inferior. We are people of words, be you author or reader, and will use them to solve our disagreements in a civil manner that we may grow as a community.
There is still much discussion to be had, but without further ado meet the people helping lead DeathBattle forward:
Head Moderator @Inked_Insane
Mod @AaronRyuchi
Mod @Crimson_Scythe
Mod @Kimmy_Grace
Mod @crimson_mystery_cake
Backup Mod & Community Mediator @kingmarcda1st-
Community Manager & Mediator @AllThingsPI
Please help me welcome our new team and thank you to everyone who was involved in some way with the Head Mod of the Week Edition Rounds.