I have two things to talk about. One, I completely love you guys and I love how, even though i stopped writing it, that I have 7.81k views on my lush story. I love the support and that actually leads to the second point I have. I am so freaking sorry for not being active at all! I hope you guys don't hate me even though I had said that I would start updating frequently. School has been taking al my time this year. The only weekdays I actually have free are Monday and Friday. Then I work Saturday and I'm to tired to do anything on Sunday. And we all know how Monday's are for any motivation. So I am super sorry and will try my best to gat some new chapters up on my stories. (Also if anyone wants my lushlaws story message me. I don't know if I will give it to someone just yet but I will think about it . I just still have a ton of respect for Matt and Nick so I don't want to fuel something that's gone. I will think about it though.) Alright my llamas. As always i lush you all.