
          	For the Critiques,a friend of mind told me that she could do the critiques since I'm very busy right now,I barely could get on Wattpad,so this is her username --> -turtles- they will most likely be done during the weekend but I'm not that sure


@DeathNoteWattyAwards hello. I think you got the wrong username^^"


          For the Critiques,a friend of mind told me that she could do the critiques since I'm very busy right now,I barely could get on Wattpad,so this is her username --> -turtles- they will most likely be done during the weekend but I'm not that sure


@DeathNoteWattyAwards hello. I think you got the wrong username^^"


We (Mira and I Ichigo) have decided to have the next wattys beginning in October[starting from the 15 or 20] to November.Reason being because we wont have time to do them from December-January.So the 3rd wattys not sure right now since its a long way from now might begin in February or April.