
It’s that time already, everyone please enjoy, and leave a comment, read until chapter 5.


Some has probably thought I gave up, most came to the conclusion that my death was certain, secret holds secrets and their lips are sealed forever, I am back and my dedication as sharp as a blade, follow my lead, thank you all, “none can kill me”.


In couple of days i’ll be putting out an Biography about myself, I can’t wait for you guys/girls to join me on this journey. As always my poetic style of written will be used, my metaphors, imagery, rhyming schemed and even more will be presented into it, be ready and enjoy as much I will, I thank everyone who reads my writings, I cherish and value your attention not your follows, I am more than grateful to everyone who reads anything Ive written, its only been 3 months I’ve been on Wattpad and I can say I am astonished by what I was able to accomplished, my first book, which contains only poems which will continue reach to over 1 Thousands read in just 3 weeks almost to an month, my other writings are touching the 500 and plus and i’m forever happy of the decision a special someone imposed on me to start writing. And as I will finish this by saying, this year 2020 will bring every writer joy and as always,
           “none can kill me”.