It humours me to read how I used to write. I used to sign these notes with '-Your Best Friend-' and do not get me started on my stories. They used to be bland and poorly written nevertheless they were still my stories, also, I do enjoy looking back on them and laughing at how overpowered the main characters were or the fact that the main character always had a tragedic backstory but still, somehow, have many friends and be practically perfect in every way, shape and form. This doesn't mean my work now is anything to marvel at, I just hope they are now more believable (Unless in a universe that is not ours, however, even then I set laws and rules for the universe and make sure my characters fit into this universe in realistic ways,) Anyway, I have typed 820 characters and feel like I should leave this here.
It was the same for my characters as well, they all had really depressing backstories, but somehow their backstory didn't affect them, and every single one of them had to be a special snowflake in one way or an other. I was reading one of my old books, strangely enough, the main character was very boring and bland, while the second main characters were way to overpowered. I like to look over my old stories as a way to see if am improving, if I still think there's nothing wrong with one of my stories then I haven't improved that much, but if I do, then am learning from my old mistakes.