
Alright everyone, hopefully you'll be seeing some new stuff soon after my unannounced hiatus. I'm super sorry for going silent for a bit, huge writers block hit me and I hadn't been able to write for awhile. However during that duration I had been drawing to keep some creative things flowing, so hopefully because of that I can easily get back in the groove!


Life is meaningless everything we do is just a loss benefactor in the in total universe we will accomplish nothing significant within our lifetime compared to overall humanity in fact I wasted 45 seconds of my life doing this now I am 45 to 50 seconds older than I was previously life sucks


Alright everyone, hopefully you'll be seeing some new stuff soon after my unannounced hiatus. I'm super sorry for going silent for a bit, huge writers block hit me and I hadn't been able to write for awhile. However during that duration I had been drawing to keep some creative things flowing, so hopefully because of that I can easily get back in the groove!


when r u updating the new doll sequel


@CatLook2 To be honest, not for a while since I've lost interest in the Fnaf fandom a while ago. As well as I've been experimenting with other stories to share with you all. One day i may be able to finish The New Doll, but it wont be for sometime 