To any and all of you affected by the occurences in Orlando...
You have my deepest condolences.
I know that means little, coming froma prveldges, heterosexual, white, cis-gendered female. But know that if you need someone that stands behind your cause, you have found one in me. With fifty HUMANS dead, regardless or gender or sexual orientation, this sort of hate cannot be allowed to continue.
I'm not talking about homophobia or islamophobia, because idiots like the orange oompa-loompa running for President will always turn it in their favour or against it.
I am talking about the incessant, overflowing, disgusting hatred the HUMANS have for other HUMANS. This at of violence was perpetrated against a group of people by a psycopath. He was a terrorist. And now he is dead. Killed by a SWAT team that came through a wall with a tank to get at him.
I want everyone to know that humans are disgusting. All of us are. All of us hate and all of us at some point or another have given whatever higher power there is to send us back to the place where we do not want to be.
But what PRIDE is about is showing that you can love too. So not be afraid to love who you love. Do not be afraid to show your true colours, whatever they may be. This is a VILE, DISGUSTING incident perpetrated by a VILE, DISGUSTING hunk of humanity.
We spend so much time focusing on the little dark clouds that we forget to look at the rays of sunshine that peek through and light up entire valleys of flowers. This cloud does not have a silver lining. Not all of them do. But we cannot let this one incident destroy the rest of a month where everyone should be able to feel safe about how they really are on the inside. or on the outside.
I beseach you to stop preaching frustration and start preaching acceptance. Stop hating. Start loving.
Love harder than the hate.
And fly that flag like you might not get to fly it tomorrow. Because life is short.
Miss Shadows