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Hey guys, I just wanted to let everybody know what's been on my mind lately. New has been talking about a possible WW3 occurring lately and if it actually happens I'll only have a year and 4 months before I'm capable of being drafted. And if you paid attention in history class(I don't blame you if you didn't cause it's boring as hell) You'd all know how ugly the first two were and since everything is a lot more advanced, plus the huge difference in world population, there's going to be a lot of death. I honestly see my chances of survival if I get drafted from all these factors being really low. So just in case I'm going to start posting as many chapters as my time will allow me. I've always wanted to join the army but with the idea of going into a blood covered battlefield right out the gates is kinda rattled me to the bone. I hope we can talk things out with the middle east countries, because One: we we're being assholes to them 2: THANK YOU GOVERNMENT FOR FUCKING SHIT UP AGAIN!!! and finally 3: I don't want to see lives taken for a pointless squabble.