
Sending the happiest new year wishes for you and your family. May this year brings your way positivity and prosperity. A happy beginning of 2022 to you.  


@DebaratiGhose and a very best new year for u and also christine. and thank you. 


Hey Debarati,
          This is Sahana, a new writer on Wattpad. I am from Bengaluru, Karnataka. My first story, LOVE IN TWO CITIES, has been recently completed. It is a light-hearted romcom, without any mature content. It features a relatable story of a Bengalurian girl and an American boy. It has been loved by family and friends. I would love for you to check it out. You can read the introductory note chapter 'Hello', and continue reading if you find the premise interesting.
          I'm looking forward to your response in affirmative. Thank you in advance :)


Sending the happiest new year wishes for you and your family. May this year brings your way positivity and prosperity. A happy beginning of 2022 to you.  


@DebaratiGhose and a very best new year for u and also christine. and thank you. 


I really your poems on POCKET DIARY, they were Rumiesque in their meditative, pithy style and drenched in so many tones and notes of love. 
          Keep creating melodies like this Di. 


@MadMenWearingFedora that so sweet of you dear brother, to take out time and read them. Much love to you. Merry Christmas  .  Keep creating beautiful prose, keep enriching everyone around you. God bless you.


@MadMenWearingFedora I meant to say, 'I really admired your poems'


Hello Dearies,
          Hope you all are fine amidst the receding and resurfacing of the pandemic. A pandemic that had  thrown us out of our wits. But we humans always bounce back with rigor. That's the beauty of our life force.  What's keeps us going is hope. And with hope we poets and writers survive, live and create.
          I have been away for a while now. As I come back, I have a bouquet of small poems to offer. 
          It's a collection called POCKET DIARY.
          Here's the link
          These are like trinkets that I gathered over the last few months, sometimes meandering and sometimes fighting my way through life.
          Please read and share your thoughts and feedback. It gives boost to a writer's hungry soul.
          Keep in touch.
          Best wishes,


@suvachana thanks dear. Happy New Year


@DebaratiGhose lovely to hear that! will read and vote!


Hello Dearies,
          I hope you all are doing great. I am a lazy bug nowadays, so please don't mind if I am unresponsive for a while. Though I am mostly offline, I do love to see you guys posting and I wait to read them.
          As for today, I just posted a new poem under Seasons. Those who have been following the collection, can have a peek. Its a poem about, rain, love, loss, longing and hope.
          I hope you will like it.