Debbie DiCaprio resides in Treasure Island, Florida where she thoroughly enjoys the natural beauty and all the outdoor adventure Florida has to offer. With her feet firmly planted on the sandy beaches, she dreams about life on other worlds. Debbie lives a very busy life as an author, a marketing representative, and a paramedic working in the pediatric ICU at All Children’s Hospital. “I wanted more from my life, and I wanted the ability and knowledge to help people and save lives, so I decided to become a medic”, she explains.

Debbie first began her writing career as a songwriter living in Nashville, TN., and she has had several songs released by artists in a few different genres. “I’ve always been a writer”, DiCaprio states, “there are always stories, songs, and melodies streaming out of my little brain”. An avid skydiver, scuba diver, and general adventurer, you can usually find Debbie outside enjoying the sunshine and perfect weather along the Gulf coast in Florida.
  • Treasure Island, FL
  • JoinedJune 22, 2014