
Chapter Eighteen of A Modern Cinderella Story is now up!
          	Feedback is always welcome and much needed!


Will janessa’s family tell janessa what memories they have of her,do they have photos of her that they can show her,what was janessa’s life like before she was shipwrecked on the island,which one of the animals found her on the island,how will the doctor help janessa,will janessa’s family spend time together so they can get to know each other again,will you put a picture of what her bedroom looks like and how will janessa’s family protect her from bad people in the second book of shipwrecked princess.when are you doing the second book of shipwrecked princess because I’m really really enjoying the book shipwrecked princess 


Hange makes me question everything ♡~♡
          If she was real, I'd marry her.


@Decembra1998 Omg hi :3 yeah. Kinda insane I got wattpad in middle school and I'm graduating college in 2 months. I was digging something out of my drafts and I saw u posted about hange and they were also my favorite character in AOT so I feel you XD


I'm finally watching Season 4 of AOT (I was avoiding it due to my favorite characters dying, (not saying who because spoilers) but I am a big girl), and every time I see Hange, I giggle like a school girl and kick my feet in the air, for obvious reasons ♡~♡ 


@ammalikae yeah it was pretty good 