
Hello everyone! Sorry it's been a while! I hope you're all keeping safe and had a nice Halloween and if you are American, you're not too stressed out over this election. 
          	On another note, here's Chapter 3 of Wings to Apollo which I had *meant* to publish on Halloween but alas I forgot! This just means that you'll be getting two chapters in November instead! (Don't hold me on that haha)
          	Anyways I hope you all enjoy!


Hello everyone! Sorry it's been a while! I hope you're all keeping safe and had a nice Halloween and if you are American, you're not too stressed out over this election. 
          On another note, here's Chapter 3 of Wings to Apollo which I had *meant* to publish on Halloween but alas I forgot! This just means that you'll be getting two chapters in November instead! (Don't hold me on that haha)
          Anyways I hope you all enjoy!


There's no turning back after you start reading this. Trust me, this will put a smile on your face. Every night someone thinks about you. At least 15 people in this world love you. The only reason someone who hates it was because they want to be you. There are two types of people in this world, that are which for you, and that are against you.
          [You mean the world is someone. someone you don't even know loves you. Anytime you make a mistake, good comes out of it. Whenever you think the world has turned against you, turn around. Remember the compliments someone has given you and not the rude things.]
          So if you're a loving friend, send this to 15 people (including the one who sent you it :D). Something good will happen between noon and 4 pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Send this to 15 people, make someone's day! Help someone out! Remember that you are loved. 
          F— ight for you 
          R— espect you
          I— nvolve
          E— ncourage you
          N— eed you
          D— eserve you
          S— ave you
          {If you get 4 back you're liked, if you get 7 back you're loved, and if you get 15 back you're amazing!}


If I have one more cishet, nerotypical white christian tell me that they are 'opressed' I'm going to scream. How hard is it for some people to understand that you can't claim to be a minority just to criticize actual minorities? Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!! *screams in the distance*


@grabthemonets Long story short one too many cishet nerotypical white christian tried to make an opinion on something they had no right over and tried slanderig minorities and I was having none of it lol


@noodles786 Hi can I please ask you not to advertise your books on my account! It's a violation of Wattpads ToS and the last thing I want is for you to get reported and lose your account. Thanks!


Hello y'all, how are y'all doing?
          First of all I'd like to say sorry for my radio silence these last few weeks/months. A lot of stuff has been happening so I haven't really got the chance to sit down and write as much as I would like to.
          Anyways, I'm here to tell you (at 11:20pm. Wow) to keep your eyes out tomorrow as I have something planned that I've been very excited for! I really hope you will all enjoy this as I've put a lot of work into it.
          Stay happy and healthy y'all!




@grabthemonets I have a suspicion of what your reaction may be, but we will see lol