
We hit 30k reads, fam!❤️✨
          	I couldn't have done this without you. 
          	Thank you.✨
          	We go stronger, we go harder.✨❤️❤️
          	P.S- Check out the new cover and let me know what you think in the comments section. 


We hit 30k reads, fam!❤️✨
          I couldn't have done this without you. 
          Thank you.✨
          We go stronger, we go harder.✨❤️❤️
          P.S- Check out the new cover and let me know what you think in the comments section. 


          First of all, I am really sorry. Things have just been a little crazy and it made it hard to squeeze writing into it. I don't want to bore you with the details because I come bearing a somewhat good news. An update should come anytime soon—I can't say precisely when. All I know is, I am about to start the last phase of the next chapter and to add to the excitement, it's coming from one of the POVs you have greatly missed! So, it's worth the wait. Just hang in there for a little while and bear with me.  Thank you!❤️✨✨
          With all my love,


Hey, fam!♥️
          It's the last day of February and while this might come off as random, happy birthday to all those born on this day because 29th of February doesn't come often and it's worth celebrating.✨✨
          So, quick one. I know. I know. Updates have been far from frequent but I am not at fault either. I am a first timer at school and my course is really demanding. It takes practically all my time and it's been chaotic squeezing writing into it. But don't worry, I am hoping to get a hang on it soon. If I get more stable than this, it might be possible to have updates once a month or not. It depends. Now, to the reason I am putting this out there.
          As I said earlier, my exams are starting next week Monday and they don't end until the twenty-eighth. That means I am only going to be able to update during the semester break, which I am hoping it's enough to do whatever it is I want to do. Cause, frankly speaking, I have a ton of things to keep up with.
          I am really sorry to keep you guys hanging but bear in my mind that every chapter is going to be worth it. Yes, I said what I said. *Flips hair with pride*
          To my day ones that have stuck until this moment, I love you and to the new ones just joining, welcome on board. All I request is your understanding as my heart is with this book every passing day. God's willing, Shards not going to be the only piece of mine on this platform. I have a lot in store for you guys! So, stay tuned!
          With utmost love, Didi.♥️