Default NPC Mode: This type of mindset, sometimes referred to as "NPC" (non-playable character) behavior in online discourse, reflects a pattern of thinking where individuals follow pre-set responses or scripts without critically analyzing the information or considering alternative perspectives.
People who fit this description often place significant trust in authoritative sources like mainstream media, governmental bodies, or popular opinion.
They are more likely to accept information as true if it comes from a perceived credible source and dismiss anything that contradicts it unless it is similarly validated by those same sources. Because they often ask why it isn't it recorded? Well, what if it was and it was taken down? Because even if it were people, people would wait for legacy media to cover the story in hopes they would dismiss the info so they can go back to sleep.
People are not ready to be unplugged from this system. Because they are energetically attached to a perceived world that allows them to interact with other mindless minions who do not want their world views shattered because they have built their entire personality around it and made social connections that revolves around it.
Because this is not about reptilian or any other creatures. It's about maintaining their bubble of illusion at all cost regardless of any evidence presented. It can be shown to them at 60 FPS on a Dubbed SCARF (swept-coded aperture real-time femtophotography) with an encoding rate of 156.3 terahertz to individual pixels. They will deny, deny, deny,.
This is why this world must split. Because once disclosure happens, these people will go crazy. And you will not want to be around them when they do.