Haven't been on since 2016 phew. Long time ago. I cringe but I have fond memories of this account. If there's anyone who sees this and is interested in keeping up to date with me and/or whatever stupid stuff I'm doing (Like writing Erotica) feel free to hit me up on Discord. Arcy#5484 is my tag there. @TheYDNeko is my tag here on Wattpad now as well. If any of you still remember me and think of cringe then yeah I was. Bit different now though. I can still be a bit cringe but I try my hardest to not be cringe lol. BTW, I'd also appreciate if anyone can let me know some Japanese songs or just any kind of Japanese musical reference that'd be great. I got a thing going on related to Jojo. For now, I guess this'll be the last time I'm like ever on this account. Arrivederci!