
I went through and edited all of Friend to Foe. All of it is mainly the same except Chapter 12 was extended and changed the most. Thank you all again for the continued support 


I feel like you rather become obsessed with danganronpa or you hate it. There’s no in between. 


@One-For-All-u-weebs  I've heard the name, but I don't know what it is


I just had the best conversation ever. My friend asked me what Yuri on ice was about and I said ice skating. They know nothing about the anime and then asked me “You have a fear of ice skating so why do you like it so much?” I replied with “It’s so much more than ice skating....” then my friend said “What is there like a canon gay ship or something?” I fell to the floor and started laughing my head off. My friend asked what was so funny so I decided to play the anime for her and as soon as Victor appeared in the hot spring she said “oh no I was right...”. This is the best way to start off my day.