
So sorry, life keeps getting busier every week :'-( !! I'll have chapter 7 done and posted on Sunday fffiiinnngggeeerrrsss cccrrrooosssssseeeddd


@DeejKitKat900 that's good, but don't stress urself. Keep writing.


Unfortunately, for those of you who are my ever loyal following (XD), I wrote an academic paper that will be getting published in a journal this October! I have until Sept 21 to complete final edits, and the editor was VERY thorough on her recommendations. What this means is, I may not be able to publish chapters until after I'm done the paper :(. Expect one for sure Sept 27th, however!! (unless something else pops up, life is random amirite :P)


That’s totally fine, good luck with your editing!


Unfortunately, what with school starting up this week and some other stuff I got going on, I won't be publishing a chapter today... except more Aura mayhem next week!


@Hope5823 Ahaha, yeah that's true. I do want to be publishing on a consistent basis, however :P


            No problem, you can publish your chapters whenever you feel like since it is your book :)


Hello All! Back from my two-week publishing break with a new chapter of Potential. Aura is going back and forth in her decision to have Oliver as her Ally, and then Oliver drops another bombshell: he knows a guy who could teach Aura magic, instead of her having to search for relics 24/7 and keep tangling with Taboos. But should she trust him - the cute guy she knows nothing about - or should she get as far away from him as she possibly can? Find out in this week's chapter!


Sorry to say, I'll be taking a short hiatus from editing and publishing a weekly chapter of Potential as I am writing my MCAT next Sat. Chapters 1-5 are out now, so read them if you haven't had the chance yet, and I'll be back with chapter 6 in two weeks :*


@Dreamshu Thank you! I'll have to come back to that, a little busy rn with school :P


Hey guys, just dropped ch4 of Potential. Aura comes face-to-face with the realization that her life brings more harm than good, and everything her, her parents and her people worked so hard for could all have been a waste. What's worse is she comes to this realization when faced with some gnarly Taboos out for potential blood, and must decide if she'll continue fighting the good fight, or give up as it's been 6+ years. Would you be able to keep at something for 6 years without giving up? Find out what Aura decides in this week's chapter


Hey, thanks for the follow!
          Have you been reading my book?
          Is it good?


@Tiger_Lover1 I have not, but I hope to get to it soon! Expect a comment from me :)