
thank you for 1k followers :P


Please,  check my new story. I recently began writing it...
          Framed for something he would never have done. Something that was given to him freely and in full consent. After eight years in jail, his heart bruised and his soul wounded. He has come back to return the injustice. Revenge is a dish best served with blood as dessert.
          Her innocence was taken away by force. Everyday her tormentor lavished her sex brutally and mercilessly. One day having had enough she bite off his groin and she paid dearly for that; in prison.



first of all, I just want to say I'm sorry for being so inactive :,(
          I've been struggling with motivation and inspiration. I just simply don't like how I write right now. I've also been trying to better myself as a writer, you know, gain skills, learn new rules etc. etc. but school has really been kicking my [CENSORED] though LOL anyways-
          I am eight chapters into the Red Sparrow/ CIA agent style book that I mentioned. Chapters will start to be posted when I get to fifteen. 
          I just wanted to show you that I'm not going MIA or ghost and I promise to do better <33333
          Okay bye love you bye! ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥


hi pretty, may i know the font name tht you used on your beautifully broken coverbook? ^^


@DeepClaireDeep aaa i see, thank youu sweetie!! ❤️


@nanashey hi babe! Beautifully Broken's cover was made on Canva and the font is Roboto Condensed <3