I'm just gonna say this shît, and I'm only gonna say it once. When I comment on books, don't comment back unless you have something nice to say, or are ready to start a damn internet war. I hate when people want to comment back to me negatively! For example: If I say I don't like what the main character is wearing, then why do you even give 2 fûcks?! Just stop. I will say what I want, and think what I want, if you disagree with me, then go ahead, but I fight for what I believe so prepare Ya damn self. And if you think I'm mean. THEN DONT EVEN FÛCKING ACKNOWLEDGE ME AND I'LL DO THE SAME. But one thing you don't want to do is push me over the damń edge. In the end, it's just a book, and it's just a comment. Don't be a hater. I'm actually a nice person, unless you get in my bad side, which is actually hard to do. Just wanted to say that because somebody replied negatively to my comment and all I said was, "Lol, omg she has morning breathe." And they want to comment back something along the lines of, "bitch, you have morning breathe. Da fuq you being so mean for?" And some other things. AND YOU DONT EVEN WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL I SAID BACK, so I deleted the comment like a day later, deciding to spare her dumbašš feelings, but this isn't the first time it's happened and I'm sick of it. Think twice before replying to my damn comments. THANKYOU.lol. But ok, I talk to much. Bye!