
3 days clean, it may not seem like much to you, but I'm a very habitual person.


So my mother apparently only know how to criticize. I went to her today and told her I had done everything I could think I needed to do with my schoolwork, but instead of telling my goo job, she went immediately into what I haven't done. It was before noon when I went to her, it was before my brother had even come out of his room. But none of that matters apparently, it only matters that I haven't done English, which is something I struggle a lot with. I'm just wondering if it's actually worth it, every time I think I do something good it's never enough. If I clean everything off of the table from dinner, I get told to put away the dishes. One of the 'rewards' I get from finishing my school work is I get my Ipad. Every time I ask for it she finds me something else to do before I can get it and If I finish everything she can think of it still takes 2 times for her to actually get it and then she makes it seem like its a burden.


How high have you gotten on
          I got to #4 with the name of Jethro Tull is Awesome...
          why did it have to be That name? Also, I died because someone was trying to surround me but my computer glitched and a tiny snake spawned right where I was going and I didn't see them in time.