Hey guys! I'm officially back! U r probably wondering "y r u back? Didn't u say u were leaving forever?" I did indeed say that, but my followers on insta thought that the nostalgia of this app is worth coming back to so here I am. I have so much content and all that to show u guys! I'm thinking of continuing "ma stupid artbook", creating a kinda of journal of my life and what's going on. It would have everything that happened after my absence of wattpad and what not. I will be cleansing this page of a lot of stuff like deleting stories I no longer read or stories I don't care for that I created. O and another book I wanna make is one for all my poems that I create. I feel like y'all would really enjoy it. Also I go by Zay now. Not Zyrian. I haven't used that name in 3 yrs. I will be changing my bio and deleting all of my announcements on this page! I hope y'all are happy that I am back! Stay tuned for the books I will be making or continuing❤