
The 4 finals today were for English 2 Honors, Principals of Law Enforcement, World History, and Principals of Business Marketing and Finance. The final for Law was 3 different tests and I got 100s on all of them (I proud of myself). Tomorrow the finals are for Geometry, Art, Russian 2, and Biology, the classes I’m worst at (not art though)


@DefinitlyAFurry can I just vent about this b-witch of a w-bore?


@Heartstou7  i hope things improve for you


thanks okay so the story is this girl was my friend and I randomly  punched her out of the blue but I realized it was cause she made fun of me for being poor which the worst comment she made was pulling a 1 dollar bill out and pulling it tight and saying"bet you haven't seen one of these in a while" but I didn't realize how hard I hit her until I was in the shower and remember she flew back into the seat behind her and ever since then she's made petty comments


The 4 finals today were for English 2 Honors, Principals of Law Enforcement, World History, and Principals of Business Marketing and Finance. The final for Law was 3 different tests and I got 100s on all of them (I proud of myself). Tomorrow the finals are for Geometry, Art, Russian 2, and Biology, the classes I’m worst at (not art though)


Earlier this week I did my Tactical Entry test for my Law Enforcement class and it was so fun. I got to shout ‘Police!’ every time I entered a room (me and my partner entered 3 rooms) and I even got to put someone in cuffs. I scored a 16/22 points but I still did a good job.
          Anyway, what’s everyone up to?


@RaintheDemonWolf  I got finals next week too, it’ll take all my energies 


In When the Dark Meets the Light chapter 7, there's a soccer match. What's funny is that I don't know a thing about soccer, so I just put random numbers that'd seem accurate.
          Also, saying this, I plan to finish When the Dark Meets the Light before Spring (March 20th, 2025)


@DefinitlyAFurry you could have asked me babe :3


Plane has landeded :3


            It's basically where you and family have a meal together, there's basically always a turkey, and everyone says something they're thankful for. That's the best I can explain it, I'm bad at explaining things


@DefinitlyAFurry what's a thanksgiving(im from Wales so I got no clue)