Hey! My name is Degriss, but you can call me Bea or Degg. I love animals and animating, as well as drawing and writing, even tho i didn't make any english books, but i plan to! (Probably just did now, hehe)
Anyways, have a nice day, and now i don't know what else to write!

Also, currently in the Eddsworld fandom!

Ahoj! Jmenuji se Degriss, ale můžete mi říkat Bea nebo Degg. Miluju zvířata a animování, stejně jako kreslení a psaní!
A teď vám přeju pěkný den, protože už nevím co psát dál!

I love these guys(you're my fam)-

All hail to the Black cannibalistic potato.

Shoutout to my friendos who make me Happy! :DD
  • a lot of places now, holy fu-
  • IscrittoJanuary 21, 2017

Ultimo messaggio
Degriss Degriss Feb 14, 2020 11:34AM
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